Monday, October 26, 2009

An interesting thought...

Yesterday when I was running a quit smoking seminar, one of the attendees - a rather elderly Greek gentleman - made what I thought was a very interesting point. He said: "If we had to pay for our bodies, in the same way that we have to pay for a car or a house, would we never even think about ruining it by smoking."

He's right: we take so much - including our body and our health - for granted.

Allen Carr once said: "Your body is the vehicle that carries you through life. You only get one, and you've been lucky to have a strong, healthy body. It is a thousand times over your most precious possession. Who could conceive of a more ridiculous behaviour than to spend a fortune for the privilege of administering hourly doses of poison to the vehicle upon which the length, quality and enjoyment of your whole life depends?"

Take control of your life back. Quit smoking today using our online web seminar. To find our more visit us at

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