Thursday, April 17, 2008

When the cure is as bad as the disease...

Today, I was emailed this tragic story by a colleague living in the UK.,2933,351596,00.html

It is the story of Omer Jama, a 39 year-old TV executive who committed suicide while trying to stop smoking using Pfizer's new drug Chantix (a.k.a. Champix).

Around half of the people I see in Allen Carr's Easyway seminars have unsuccessfully used Chantix. Most of them were unable to complete the program of medication because of the side-effects. In fact, back in November 2007 the FDA announced that it was investigating claims brought to the manufacturers attention that the drug caused unpleasant side-effects, including mood swings and 'erratic' behavior in users.

Our thoughts are with Mr. Jama's family at this awful time, and with the tens of thousands of smokers who are prescribed this drug on a weekly basis.

For a simple, drug-free quit smoking method, please visit us at

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