Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tobacco industry - bottom of the heap

Today Harris Interactive, one of the respected names in market research, published their annual report into public attitudes towards twenty key industries.*A1216119600000*B1218747956000*DgroupByDate*J2*L1*N1000837*ZBIG%20CHANGES%20IN%20PUBLIC%20ATTITUDES%20TOWARD%20DIFFERENT%20INDUSTRIES%20SINCE%20LAST%20YEAR&javax.portlet.prp_0b2c9a4dd5f89b80977dd367cc87b42f_newsId=20080807005140&beanID=202776713&viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken

The table is topped by supermarkets, online search engines, computer harware companies, software companies, hospitals and Internet Service Providers.

And the industries at the bottom of the table? Only four industries had a negative score (meaning that more people had negative views of the industry than neutral or positive views) and it is the usual suspects: managed care, health insurance and oil companies, but one industry is far below the others. With a score so stunningly bad (-43) the tobacco industry truly owns the title of America's most hated and least respected industry. They have done so much to earn this award. Parents of tobacco company executives must feel so proud of their children...not.

To see the tobacco industry for what it really is, visit us at
To download Allen Carr's expose of the tobacco industry visit and download his book Scandal for free.

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